The Bowers Museum greatly appreciates the generous support it receives from all its sponsors, donors and members. We encourage you to give back to the companies that have supported the Bowers mission to enrich lives through the world’s finest arts and cultures. Sponsorship of the Bowers’ exhibitions, programs, and events provides the donor with a platform to increase visibility and reach the community. To find out how the Bowers Museum can help your organization market to our patrons, please contact us at [email protected].
Corporation, Foundation, Government & Individual Contributions
Donald & Dorothy Kennedy
East West Bank
FEI Marketing INC.
Gayle & Edward P. Roski, Jr.
John M. Lee
Leo Freedman Foundation
Mary W. Tu
Mei Yen Chang Huang and Wan-I Huang
Nicholas Endowment
Resnicow Schroeder Associates
Richard & Elizabeth Steele
Robert Gumbiner
Rod & Elizabeth Nitta Maxson
Ronald & K. Pietersma
Sharon D. & Anthony W. Thompson
The James Irvine Foundation
The Marian & John Scott Trust
California Department of Parks & Recreation
Jim Y.C & Angela Hsu
Stephen and Susan Chandler
Target Corporation
Capital Group
Marisla Fund
Robert & Ann Ronus
Ted & Janice Smith
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
The Kershaw Family Trust
Wells Fargo Bank Foundation
Barry M. & Irena Gernstein
Bill & Ginny Rooney Davies
Britt & Bob Meyer
Carole & John Van Houten
Donald & Carol Murray
Dr. David & May Hsu
First American Financial Foundation
Ginny Rooney Davies
Institute of Museums & Library Services
Janis Agopian
John H. Lee
John & Mary Tu Foundation
Los Angeles Times Orange County
Lynda Thomas
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Orange County American Italian Renaissance Foundation
Richard & Elizabeth Steele Endowment Fund
Segerstrom Foundation
S.L. & Betty Huang
S.L. Family Foundation
The Boeing Company
The First American Financial Corporation
The First American Corporation
The Richard & Elizabeth Steele Endowment Fund
The Weingart Foundation
Van Cleef & Arpels INC.
M. Linda & James D. Sutherland
Charles and Tsuailing Zhang with The Zhang Trust
City of Santa Ana
Donnie Crevier
Dr. Wan-Lin & Assumpta Kiang Family Foundation
Drs. James Pick & Rosalyn M. Laudati
Fernando & Olga Niebla
Flora, Joseph, and Ted Ko
Ford Motor Company
Frank & Eileen DeSantis
George & Zehra Sun
Hallie Strock
Helen King
Henry Segerstrom
James Carona & Heather Sacre
Jerry & Terri Kohl
Joan Irvine Smith & Nathalie R. Clark Foundation
Karen and Jonathan McCulley
Katherine C. Keck
Kathleen A. Barrutia
KOCE Foundation
Lydia Yang Chou
Mary Ann & Bick Lockhart
Medellas Endowment
Minette & Bob Parrett
O'Melveny and Myers LLP
Peter & Trude Jordan
PIMCO Foundation
Richard & Mary Eisen Cramer
Ronald Pietersma
Sharon & Richard Ettinger
South Coast Plaza
Sue & Curley Nobles
The Carol H. Richards Trust
The Dhont Family Foundation
The Educational Foundation of America
The Fletcher Jones Foundation
The Gardner Grout Foundation
The Giles W. & Elise G. Mead Foundation
Tiffany & Co.
Wells Fargo Bank
Willard & Harriet Harris
William & Ann Wu
William H. Lyon
Zella Eckels Marggraf Trust
Carl and Linda Moy Foundation
David Tsoong
Dominic Ng & Ellen Wong
Dona and Wayne Leicht
Dr. Mozelle & Myron Sukut
Hisae Dickey
Linda I. Smith Foundation
Pasadena Community Foundation
Raines Feldman, LLP
Ronus Foundation
Wayne & Dona Leicht
Ambassador George Argyros
Bead Society of Orange County
Bowers Museum Plein Air Art Council
Cindy Chen
Dennis and Shelly Holcomb Lowe
Dr. Narendra & Rita Parson
Frank O'Bryan
Jerry & Terri Kohl Foundation
John & Elizabeth Stahr
K. T. Norris Foundation
Leslie & Charlotte Moore Foundation
Louis Vuitton
Marcia Schechter
Mary Trumble
Michael & Jeanette Kilbride
Michael Scott
Octavio Quijano
PacifiCare Foundation
Pacific Century Customs Service
Pao Chu Chen Tsai
Paul & Kathleen Lam
PNC Bank
Ria Carlson
Rockwell Family Foundation
Rockwell Collins Charitable Corporation
Sommerville Family Trust
Steven & Deborah Ginder
Takashi Cheng
The Huang Family Charitable Fund
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
The Samueli Family Foundation
Warner C. & Debra E. Lusardi Foundation
3M Foundation
Amber Kun & Joy Shuang Yi Zhang
Aminco International (USA) Inc.
Amy Ju Wong
Anna Shay
Bin Cheng
Blair & Bo Hu
Bowers Museum Chinese Cultural Arts Council
Bowers Museum Collectors Council
Bruce & Carol Hallenbeck
Carllion Properties Development LLC
Chao Huang and Hsin Chang
Christine Johnson
Daniel M. Green
Dr. Chao Shuo Huang and Dr. Hsin Chang
Dr. Peter & Signe Keller
Dwight Stuart Youth Foundation
E. Rhodes & Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
Edgar & Elizabeth Pankey
Edward Shanbrom
Ernesto & Socorro Vasquez
Fluor Foundation
Golden Orchid LTD.
Harry & Grace Steele Foundation Fund
Helenann Clarke
Hodel Briggs Winter LLP.
Kelly Peterson & Chris Rodwich
Kenneth A. Lester Family Foundation
Kris Elftmann
Lawrence Maurer
Lawrence Sporty
Leon Chen
Lin Yu
Lowell C. Martindale
Mandy Li
Mark Gumbiner
Michael G. Miller
Millstream Fund
Mimi & Bob Liu
Multicultural Arts Council
National Endowment for the Humanities
Nubo Huang
O.L. Halsell Foundation
Panda Charitable Foundation
Pat Powell
Peter Ashkin
Renee Gabbard
Robert and Lisa Lau Tun
Robert & Peggy Sloves
Robin Liu
Salvatore Ferragamo
Sharon G. Adams
Hu Jing
Jack & Ellen Shaw
James Sommerville
J.E. Beaute Spa INC.
Jeanne and David Smith
Jerry Dauderman
Jin (Jeffrey) F. Chen and Yanan (Nancy) Xu
Sophia & Johnny Zhang
Southern California Edison Company
Sue Tsao
Suzi Baker
Suzan Chang
The Ahmanson Foundation
The Chevron Companies
The Crevier Family Foundation
The Docent Guild of Bowers Museum
The Orange County Register
Thomas & Lauralee Harville
Thomas & Marilyn Nielsen
Ueberroth Family Foundation
United Charity Foundation
University of California, Irvine
Valaree Wahler
Viking River Cruises
William Gillespie Foundation
William & Debbie Richards, Jr.
YiJun Deng
Abbey Event Services
ABC Depot Logistics
Academy of Fine Art Foundation
Alden McKelvey
Allan J. Curtis
Alison Moore Cotter
Ameriquest Capital Corporation
Anne Earhart
Anthony Moiso
ARCO Foundation, Inc.
Arlene Cheng
Arthur Ong and Ginger Sun
Association of Children's Museums
Augusta B. Prewett-Gunn
Avianca Airlines
Bally North America Inc.
Bank of America
Barbara Roberts
Begum Sen
Benton Bejach
Bobby Ann and Richard Stegemeier
BP America Inc.
Brian Ren
Bruce and Mary Stambaugh
Canterbury Consulting Incorporated
Capital Guardian Trust Company
Carl Neisser
Carol Ranney
Cathay Bank
Charlie Chen
Charles and Candy Mcbrayer
CHOC Children's Foundation
Chuan Chuan Chu
Chris Canaday
Christie's Los Angeles
Christopher Lui
Chuck and Elsa Sale
C.J. Segerstrom & Sons
Compak Asset Management
Connie Spenuzza
Conzelman Family Trust
Crockett Container Corporation
Dachung Equipment & Fixtures
Danilo Cacciamatta
Daphne and Kai Lang Liang
David and Karen Bustamante
David and Joan Stephenson
David & Mary Lu Furnas
David Krinsky
David Lee
Debra G. Downing
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Denni Sun
Don Kang
Don Ronken
Donald and DeeDee Sodaro
Donald B. & Carol E. Murray Charitable Fund
Dorothy Nicholson
Douglas T. Burch
Drake Turner
Drs. Donald and Sari Mahon
Dwight Armstrong
E. Rhodes Carpenter
E.B. Akins
Ed and Martha Reese
Emulex Corporation
Ernest Schmider
Ernst & Young LLP
Ethnic Arts Council of Los Angeles
Fidelity Investments
Francis P. Chiaramonte, MD Family Foundation
Frank Suryan
George Huang
Gerald and Georgetta Wolff
Glenn Engman
Gordon Clune and Elizabeth An
Harry & Diane Rinker Foundation
Harry Bubb
Helen Lin
Herbert L. Roth
Hitachi SCRCAC
Holmes & Narver Inc.
Howard Gould
Howard Jones
Hutton Foundation
Ignacio Lozano
Ingram Micro
Insurance Industry Charitable Fund
Irene and David Fang
Jack and Mary Jane Schrader
James D. Akins, Jr.
James and Vicki Cunningham
James Hedgecock
Jason and Vicky Wang
Jean MacGregor
Jeffrey and Barbara Bennett
Joe and Etsuko Price
John and Sharyl Cha
John Woravka
Joy Travel International
June Chu
Jyh-Young Tsai
Kenneth Himes
Kim M. Kaston
Kok Wing Lim
Laurel Lee Friday
Lawrence Huang
Leo and Ivy Chu
Lloyd Charton
Long Ling
Macro Products Inc.
Macy's Foundation
Marion Montapert
Marjorie T. Rawlins Trust
Mark Blackburn
Mark Chiaramonte
Mark Johnson
Mark Osgood
Martin B. and Elaine J. Weinberg
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Merrill Lynch
Michael Chandler
Michael Newman
Misty Chang
Mortimer Levitt Foundation, Inc.
Nancy Caldwell
Nancy Nenow and David Dolan
Neiman Marcus
Nina Montee-Karp
Pangea Development LLC.
Patricia Blackman
Paul Bender
Peggy Maradudin
Pierre Masson
Pietersma & Company
Primior Development
R. Rawlins
Rachel and Stephen Liu
Ricardo Stephanie Ortiz
Richard A. Scudamore
Rick Muth
Robert Huber
Robert Wilhelm
Ron and Ching Chausse
Ronald Chaisson
Sandra Wirta
Sharon Lin Charna
Sheila Mann
Silversea Cruises
SL Gimbel Foundation Fund
Sonia Falcone
Splichal Family Fund
St. Paul Travelers
Steven & Rachel Liu
Stephanie Ortiz
Stephen Bohannon
Susan "Soogie" Kang
T. Tsui
The A. Gary Anderson Family Foundation
The Banning Fund
The Crean Foundation
The Hsieh Family Foundation
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles
The Patina Restaurant Group
The State of California Natural Resources Agency
Thomas Sutton
Timothy Carlyle
Timur and Wendy Kuran
Tire Co., Inc.
Toshiba America Electronic Components. Inc.
Veling Tsai / Caring ENT
Wayne Foster
Western Digital Corporation
William Gallivan
William R. Cramer
Alma Adilagic-Torlic
An Beverly Hills LLC
Arvid Bollesen
Baldwin Krystyn Sherman Partners
Bank Of America Charitable Foundation
Barry and Sandy O'Dea
Bob Mah
Board of the California Arts Council
California Art Foundation
California Community Foundation
Carlo Moyano
Carole Ridding
Caroline Ireland
Carolyn Honer
Charles Coker and Ching Lisa Chen
Charles Davenport
Charles Schwab & Co
Chinese Culture Development Center
Chiyo Imai Rowe and Stanton J. Rowe
Constance Chernault
Christine C. Benter
Couture Flowers
Cox Communications
Craig Jackson
Crescent Healthcare
Dale Lynne Andrews
Dan Munzer
Daniel Winn
Daryl Hall
David Auchterlonie
David Press
Dennis Shirley
Douglas Myers
Douglas Wang
Dr. Nelson and Sarah Mar
Eileen Bell
Elizabeth and Michael Chao
Elizabeth Stocks
En Maxon
Eugene and Ann Avery Andres
FDX Corporation
Federated Department Stores Foundation
Fei Tang
Flower Diamond Boutique PTE LTD
Flying Geese Quilters Guild
Fred Schoellkopf
Frederic Wan
FSB Core Strategies
G. Steve Hamm
Gary Goodgame
Gemological Institute of America
Good Neighbor Pharmacy
Harry Madley
Helen L. Honer
Helen Mars
House of An Mgmt Worldwide LLC
Hsueh Tien
Hui Jung Chang
I-Fang Kung
International Association of Assembly Managers
Iris McKinley
Italian Cultural Arts Council
Jack and Shanaz Langson Fund
James Bremer
James P. Furcolow
Jay Moore
Jeffrey and April Hanson
Jennifer and Alan Chu
Jerome Cwiertnia
Jian Sheng Fan
Jim Chen
Jim Driscoll
Joan Halvajian
Joe Pacetti
Joel Goldstein
Johanna and Ken Kim
John Chiang
John Wilkirson
Josephine McLain
Judith Longyear
June Cai
Karen Raab
Kay and John Davis
Kathy Yen
Kenney Hrabik
Land Rover Centers of Orange County
Larry Mac Nevin
Larry Walraven
Lee Holmes
Lila Olson
Lin Yang/ International Youth Business Innovation
Linda T. Shih
Liuligongfang USA Ltd.
LV North America
Margaret Hanley
Marina Chiu
Marion Jones
Mark Asdourian
Mary Beth Syal
Merlene Bryant
Michael and Patricia Fitzgerald
Min Chu
Mona Swerdloff
Monica Lin
Moore Communications Group, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Nick Franklin
Nissan North American, Inc.
O S I A Renaissance Lodge No. 2259
Pacific Symphony Orchestra
Panelized Structures
Patricia Lenahan
Patrick Mahoney
Paul Greenwald
Pauliana Hall and Fred Milani
Perfect Design & Development, INC
Philip Morris
Proxima Corporation
Regal Rents
Richard Baum
Richard Koo/ Koo, Chow & Co. LLP
Richard and Roberta Mathies
Robert and Cindy Chiu
Robert and Joyce Chen
Robert and Jann Lane
Robert Eichenberg
Robert Key
Roberts Andrews
Robert Smith
Roger and Nancy DeYoung
Ron Prosser
Ruth Taylor
Saab Cars
Sam Lee
Samuel Wang
Sanwa Bank California
Shanbrom Family Foundation
Sherry Bull
Sisters of St. Joseph-Hanlon
SolarTech Power INC.
St. Joseph Health System
Stanford Burrows and Elaine Tamiko
Stanley and Helen King
Steven P. and Linda H. Kahn
Sunrider International
Sue Yang and Linda Lai
Taco Bell Corporation
Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.
The Ankenbrandt Group
The Blurock Foundation
Marc Goldin
The Hertz Corporation
The Hitachi Foundation
The IECA Foundation
The Irvine Company
The Museum Company
The Nieman Marcus Group
Thomas Vrebalovich
Tien-Ing Niem
Tom Jackson
Tony Zhang Family
Tsui Fen Chien Tu
United Way
Ursula Michaelson
Wellington Chen
William Gillespie
William Podlich
Wisdom Import Sales Company, Inc.
Won and Areia Kim
Yuchong Tai